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Central Asia Economic Development
Robert Burgess, the U.S. Department of State Director of the Bureau for South and Central Asian Affairs, recently emphasized the need for Central Asia Economic Development when he stated the following:

  • “The United States believes that economic development and security go hand-in-hand. An economically stable Central Asia predicated on strong regional commercial, economic and personal relationships will create alternative paths to address global challenges such as illicit trafficking – in all its forms – as well as terrorism and extremism.”

Recognizing the importance of this region, the U.S. government has invested money and created programs such as the New Silk Road initiative in order to build roads and bridges, increase trade and transport, and connect entrepreneurs. The hope is with financial support from the U.S. and other countries, the region will grow in stability and self-reliance.

Unfortunately, government initiatives are rarely long-term. They are subject to the whims of politicians and whatever political party has the most influence at any particular time. A change in president could mean a huge change in policies concerning the Central Asia region.

This is where non-profits and non government organizations (NGO’s) come in. Because they are not solely dependent upon government funds, they can focus on more long-term projects, such as education, that the U.S. government can’t. Non-profits and NGO’s have the added benefit of less “red-tape” getting in the way of project completion because they are often seen as more trust-worthy, with more altruistic goals than an outside governmental run organization.

Non-profits and NGO’s do the work on the ground that government organizations can’t do. The U.S. government can provide money for infrastructure and training in Central Asia, but it’s the non-profits that build the schools and provide the education to lift people out of poverty. Education provides a means to find jobs, which eliminates the lure of the fundamentalism that leads to terrorism and the need for children to work that so often leads to trafficking.

The government may use our taxes for their Central Asia initiatives, but non-profits provide donors the opportunity to choose how their money will be used. Donors on the other side of the globe can be a part of progress in Central Asia and know they are making a difference.

About Central Asia
Also called “Middle Asia” typically includes the countries of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Sometimes the countries of Iran and Pakistan along with the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of Western China are included in the region because of similar ethnic and religious backgrounds of the peoples.

Omega International
Omega International is dedicated to a creating a sustainable presence in Central Asia starting with The Launch training center in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.  The Launch will offer skills training in English and other languages, Tourism and Hospitality, Soccer Coaching and Business Entrepreneurship.  As we strengthen infrastructure of Central Asia radicalization and insurgency are weakened. Your tax deductible donation will help provide hope to those who have little.

We need your help!
For only 33¢ a day you can change the world!  $10.00 per month provides struggling youth with hope for a better future. Please join with us in Ten4TheLaunch to change lives.  Remember, Omega International is USA 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so you donations are tax deductible for our supporters filing in the U.S.

If you’re interested in contributing to development at a more personal level in Central Asia, please contact us.